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Forever Learning

Laura has a passion for continuing education. Staying up-to-date on the latest techniques for physical therapy is an integral part of the Vitalize mission.


Duke University - Durham, NC (2015)

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN (2012)

Bachelor of Science Movement and Sports Science

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Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy

American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (July 2018 - Current)


Extra Learning

Herman and Wallace

Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, & Treatment Level 1 (2014 - Durham, NC)

Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, & Treatment Level 2A (2016 - Nashville, TN)

Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, & Treatment Level 2B (2014 - Durham, NC)

Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, & Treatment Level 3 (2015 - Nashville, TN)

Breast Oncology Patient (2017 - Boston, MA)


The Barral Institute

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (2016 - Indianapolis, IN)

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (2017 - Ann Arbor, MI)

Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (2018 - Denver, CO)

Visceral Manipulation: The Thorax (2019 - Milwaukee, WI)


Institute of Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatments (IAMT)

Cervico Thoracic Examinations and Treatments (2015 - Nashville, TN)

Lumbo Pelvic Examinations and Treatments (2015 - Nashville, TN)

Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction for the Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (2015 - Nashville, TN)


PESI Rehab

IASTM: Practitioner Certification: Combining Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization & Movement to Improve Function & Performance (2019 - Fort Wayne, IN)


International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE)

CranioSacral Therapy 1 (2019 - Indianapolis, IN)


Other Continuing Education Courses

Lower Quarter Dry Needling (2019 - Indianapolis, IN)

Upper Quarter Dry Needling (2019 - Indianapolis, IN)

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